Skratch Hacks You Can Try At Home:
1. Flavour Variety for On-The-Go
If you freeze half of your hydration pack (on its side) with one flavor, and then fill it with another flavor before you ride….the flavor changes while you ride and you don’t get so sick of just one flavor over the hours.
2. Flavour Variety For Your Daily Drink Bottle
You probably have your go-to favourite flavour of your preferred sport drink powder but sometimes you might want to change it up a bit. Here are some things you can try:
- Combine flavours. If you have more than one flavour of drink mix, you can try combining them for a change of pace or change of taste. Lemon & Lime mixed with Raspberry will give you a Raspberry Lemonade flavour. Lemon & Lime plus Orange will give you a nice Citrus drink blend.
- Try a drink flavouring like a Mio drink to add flavour. Skratch uses all natural flavours which result in a fairly mild taste so you can amp it up a little if/when you want. Skratch Pineapple Hydration drink plus a little Pina Colada Mio sport will give you a fun tropical flavour. If there are any leftovers after your workout, add some crushed ice and a yogurt or Skratch Recovery in Strawberry for a delicous Strawberry Pina Colada flavoured recovery drink.
Your only limitation is your own imagination. Not everything will work but experiments sometimes pay off. Give it a try.
3. High Sodium - without electrolyte capsules
Skratch previously made a high-sodium drink mix but you can replicate it pretty simply on your own: take 1 scoop of Sport Drink Mix + 3 scoops of Everyday Drink Mix in 500ml of water. This combo will give you about 1600 milligrams of sodium and is perfect to adjust to meet your needs from hyper-hydrating before a workout to sustaining your sweatiest efforts on hot, sunny days.
4. Skratch Secret Sauce
This one is another brilliant suggestion/recipe from the SkratchLabs website but we have an extra suggestion to really make this one ride and travel friendly. In a nutshell, the Secret Sauce is just two ingredients so anyone can manage this one. Quite simply, Secret Sauce is just the Skratch Super High Carb Sport Drink Mix combined with apple sauce. How much of each and which flavours of each used is where you come in. As a starting point, consider that 2 scoops (~30g) of Super High-Carb Sport Drink Mix + ½ cup (~122g) of applesauce will give you approximately 185 calories, 45 g carbohydrates and 115 mg sodium. You can carry this mix in a soft flask to take on the go or you can use it as a pre-training snack.
Secret Sauce is a great performance fuel option for anyone who is burnt out on liquid fuels, gel options or struggle to chew on real food during training or racing. We always have a few customers who like to use baby food for training racing fuel. This Secret Sauce is also a great alternative for that person as well. This recipe might be more cost effective but it may also deliver a more adult-appropriate electrolytes mix while still hitting the desired consistency.
Do your own "me-search" to find your custom flavour and concentration levels.
- Customize the carb content by increasing or decreasing the amount of Super High Carb Sport Drink Mix.
- Customize the flavour by choosing the more tart flavoured Lemon & Lime Skratch mix or go with the sweeter fruit flavour of the Raspeberry.
- You can further customize the flavour by using a flavoured applesauce. Strawberry applesauce pairs will with Lemon & Lime Skratch mix. Other fruit flavours like Blueberry or Peach can be really delicious with the Raspberry mix. Really, it's hard to go wrong with fruit combinations.
- You can further increase the electrolyte profile with a scoop or half a scoop of Skratch Everyday Drink Mix.
Coming soon to Element: custom packaging supplies so you can make your own gel packs and powder drink packs to take on the goal or for travel.