5 Reasons To Ride With Us On Zoom - Element Tri & Bicycle Works

5 Reasons To Ride With Us On Zoom

  1. It doesn't matter what you wear.
  2. Social distancing
  3. It's not a race. (Unless you want it to be.)
  4. "The weather outside is frightful . . . ."
  5. Use it or lose it.

Dress For Success

Laundry day?  No worries! If you wear a mismatched kit or socks, no one needs to know nor will they pass judgement on you for your choice of kit. When you  train inside, you'll work up quite a sweat so comfort is more important than aesthetics.  Wear something lightweight, breathable and comfortable.  And make sure you have a nicely padded bike short. You might find that you move around on the saddle a lot less indoors than you would on the road so you may be more cognizant of specific pressure points.  Great bike shorts are worth the investment and your long indoor rides are where they really pay off.

Social Distance Is Easy on Zoom

Unlike a crowded spin studio, when we ride on Zoom, we're literally miles apart even as we ride together.  This is literally what the doctor ordered!   And if you are on Zwift, we are setting up Zwift Meetups for some of our workouts so that our avatars can all stick together.  

It's Not A Race

Everyone has their own goals and abilities and everyone can find their own rhythm for every workout.   Whether you are slower or faster than others in the group workout, it doesn't matter.  No one is going anywhere.   All that matters is the effort you put into your effort.  However, if you are riding on a platform like Rouvy or Zwift when you are participating in one of our workouts, you might find yourself wanting to race along with a group or another rider.  It's your workout so it's your choice, absolutely, to jump in with a race effort if you want.  Just remember that our workouts are usually interval-based workouts, each with a specific goal.  You may want to drop back from your race group when our workout has variable intensity.  Remember that rest, recovery and active recovery are part of the plan and an important part of the workout.  With the more popular training platforms, you can focus on the purpose of each workout but you can also engage in the interactive nature of the platform to get the most out of your harder efforts. 

Weather Is Not A Factor

When we ride outside, we dress for the weather and, as a result, need a pretty broad array of pieces to choose from in order to ride outside year round. One of the great benefits of indoor training is the simplicity of it.  Road and weather conditions aren't a factor.  Whether there is a blizzard, a hailstorm, blinding rain or the roads are sheer ice, you ride indoors in the controlled comfort of your own training cave.  

Use It Or Lose It:  Keep Fit To Race Your Best

You know this one!  The fall and winter season is when you start to lay the groundwork, the foundation, for next year's training and racing season.  We start off with a bit of a technique focus but with a variety of intervals to keep you sharp.  Love it or hate it, you know this is what you need to do, right?

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